1. Be a happy parent. If you ignore your own happiness, you
could be teaching your child that personal happiness doesn’t matter. You cannot
raise kids to value their happiness if you don’t value your own. Gretchen
Rubin, author of Happier at Home, says,
“If I want a household with an affectionate, encouraging and playful
atmosphere, that’s the spirit I must bring with me.”
2. Feel your feelings. Having a joyful life doesn’t mean
being happy 100 percent of the time, says Christine Carter, author of Raising Happiness: 10 Simple Steps
for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents. She encourages
kids and parents alike to lean into their feelings even if they are negative.
“I’m not really one for rumination. Meaning: I make an effort to feel my
feelings, often deeply, and then, if the feelings are negative, I move on,” she
says. Carter encourages her kids to acknowledge negative feelings and move on
quickly to learn resilience.
3. Play games. Bruce Feiler, author of The Secrets of Happy Families suggests
families create fun by playing games, inventing goofy traditions and singing a
favorite song that make eyes roll. Every Friday night in his family everyone
goes around the table and names one good and one bad thing about their day. “By
watching others, including mom and dad, navigate ups and downs in real time,
children develop empathy and solidarity with those around them,” Feiler says.
4. Demonstrate empathy. Whether it’s charitable works, giving
back or volunteering, doing good works with your kids teaches them that making
other people happy can make them happy too. Being helpful to others can also
lead to meaningful conversations about empathy.
5. Lighten up. Research done at the Economic and
Social Research Councils’ Festival of Social Science indicates that joking,
laughing and pretend playtime with toddlers helps prepare them for their social
life by learning creativity and having fun.
6. Show self-compassion. Be kind to yourself so your kids learn
self-compassion, according to Psychology Today. When you are
always beating yourself up or self-critical, you are inadvertently teaching
your kids that they should be able to control things that they cannot—such as
the reactions of others or losing a team sport. Show your kids how to keep
perspective and treat themselves kindly.
7. Create a family mission statement. Write your family mission statement
with your kids, incorporating their ideas and displaying it to show your strong
family narrative. Or come up with your own parenting manifesto—your
promises to your kids—and display it where your kids can see it, says Brene
Brown, researcher and author of Daring Greatly.
8. Encourage your child to keep a journal. Have your kids start a gratitude or
observation journal, recording a favorite part of the day, the best memory, a
new experience or discovery. You will be teaching your child gratitude and how
to absorb the joy in small moments.
As you teach your kids the skills they need to be
happier, you also will be teaching them about resilience, and bonus, you will
become happier too.
Sandra Bienkowski, owner of The Media Concierge, LLC, is a national writer of wellness and personal development content and a social media expert. - See more at: http://www.livehappy.com/relationships/parenting/8-ways-raise-happy-kids#sthash.ZgVoZoGJ.dpuf
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