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Friday, March 7, 2014

Possible Sensory Processing & Regulatory Differences

Mom Enough

Persistent feeding difficulties (i.e., weak suck, difficulty progressing to solids, sensitivities to

taste/texture, delayed chewing skills, restricted food preferences, delayed oral sensory and motor


Persistent difficulty establishing sleep / wake cycles; ongoing sleep issues

Difficulty calming; extreme irritability that persists

Resists being held, arches away, averts gaze, distressed with touch and handling, resistant to

daily cares

Lacks self-calming strategies (i.e., sucking, looking at toys, listening to voice, stroking/holding toy)

Seems overly floppy or stiff when held, has difficulty lifting and holding head vertical, remains in

one place when placed on the floor, fusses with change of position

Is easily startled and/or frightened by sounds, sights, changes in environment

Movements appear disorganized, frenzied, flailing, frantic or jerky

Appears under-responsive to pain and changes in temperature

Shows limited gestural imitation and sharing of expressions

Difficulty sustaining and shifting attention in interactions and in play

Avoids eye contact, uses peripheral vision, strong preference for looking at spinning, rotating or

shiny objects

Difficulty with regulation of internal state, arousal and attention with multisensory input (i.e.:

unable to sustain eye gaze when mother smiles, talks or sings)


Overly sensitive to or distressed with ordinary sensory events (i.e.: imposed touch, certain
clothing, sock seams, tags, sounds, smells/tastes/textures, bright lights, movement, busy

environments, daily cares)

Appears clumsy, awkward with objects and moving in space (i.e.: bumps into/trips on objects,

knocks over/drops things, bumps/leans into/pushes others, uses too much force/breaks toys)

Overly fearful or cautious, resistant to new activities and change in routines

Fearful or avoidant of movement, avoids play on swings/slides, has poor balance

Shows limited variety in play, difficulty entering play w/ peers, slow to learn new motor/play


Resists or has difficulty with toilet training, self care and daily routines

Seems to be in constant motion, craves rapid, rotary and/or upside down movement, craves

rough housing/crashing, lacks safety awareness

Constantly touching objects/others to point of irritation; intrudes into other’s space

Persistent seeking of oral input, indiscriminant mouthing of non-food items

Difficulty with emotional regulation, shows behaviors out of proportion to situation. Is intense,

demanding, easily frustrated, fearful or passive/withdrawn

Engages in repetitive, self-stimulatory and/or self-abusive behaviors

Has restrictive diet and/or difficulty advancing to age-appropriate foods

Disorganized, poor impulse control and attention, difficulty sitting still and/or easily distracted by

sights, sounds, movements in environment.

St. David’s Center offers a variety of Pediatric Therapies that help children gain new skills and overcome

obstacles. Consult with an occupational therapist if your child has persistent sensory, motor or regulatory

issues. To learn more or schedule an evaluation at St. David’s Center, contact the Central Office of

Resources and Enrollment (CORE) at St. David’s Center at 952-548-8700 or Visit us online at

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