Following are examples of ways that cooperativeness grows across the first three years of life:
•A 3-month-old wakes and begins to cry for milk. His mother, who is just putting the last dish in the dishwasher, says, “I’ll be with you in one minute, honey. I know you’re hungry.” The baby quiets a bit and sucks on his fingers. This baby is learning that while he may sometimes need to wait a bit, his needs are important and will be met.
•A 14-month-old happily drops socks and t-shirts from one laundry basket into the other. His grandmother says, “Thank you for helping me sort the laundry. Why don’t you come while I put it in the washing machine? I’ll lift you up so you can press the button. Then we’ll go for a walk.” This young toddler is learning that part of being in a family is working together to complete daily chores.
•Two 30-month-olds reach for the same bright red shovel in the sand box. One grabs, the other grabs. Tears follow, while each assures the other: “Mine!” One child’s father steps in and gently separates the two, handing a red shovel to one and a plastic bulldozer to the other. He shows them how one can bulldoze a pile of dirt, which the other can shovel into a bucket. These children are learning how to resolve conflict, cope with disappointment, and build relationships through cooperative play. Below are ways you can help your child experience the rewards and develop the skill of cooperating.
Take turns.
Between 6 and 9 months, babies can begin to engage in back-and-forth interactions. They also learn to imitate. This is a great time to encourage turn-taking as you play with your baby. When you place a block in the bucket, give him time to copy you. Take turns putting objects in the bucket and dumping them out. As he gets older, take turns putting pieces in the puzzle, or shapes in the shape-sorter. When it’s time to clean up, make a game of taking turns placing toys back on the shelf. These experiences are opportunities for him to feel the pleasure of accomplishing something as a team.Explain your reasons for limits and requests.
At three years old, most children use and understand language well enough to handle simple explanations. Point out how rules benefit the whole family. "We all help clean up. Then we don’t lose our toys and we can find them again." "When you help me put away the laundry, I finish quicker and then we can play."Take time to problem-solve.
You can help your older two- and three-year-olds come up with solutions to everyday dilemmas and encourage cooperation at the same time. Here are steps to try to help you teach problem-solving skills to your child:• State the problem. "You want to draw on the wall but mommy says no."
• Ask a question. "Where else could you draw?"
• Try a solution. Offer two options, both of which are acceptable to you—perhaps either paper or a cardboard box. If she insists she wants to draw on the refrigerator, set a limit. "I’ll put the crayons away until we agree on a place to draw."
•Then re-direct. Most young children need help finding acceptable ways they can channel their desires. "You can put magnetic letters on the refrigerator."
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